After the successful event at the Gaggenau Gallery, featuring an exhibition in support of young Emirati artists, Firetti Contemporary and the luxury home appliances icon Gaggenau cordially invite you to an evening of art celebration. Join us for a delightful experience that includes showcasing emerging Emirati artists, culinary delights, and a display of luxury design. The event will include an award ceremony of a selected art collection to media supporters.


The featured artists include Afra Al Suwaidi, who presents her breathtaking sand sculptures sourced from each of the seven Emirates. Asayel Abdulla captivates the audience with her one-of-a-kind plexiglass paintings that beautifully depict Emirati heritage. Additionally, Salmah Al Mansoori's exploration of how the environment shapes our identity is showcased through a compelling collection of documented images.


Gaggenau, the renowned luxury home appliance brand, continues to champion the values of artistry and craftsmanship. Their recent initiatives serve as a testament to their unwavering dedication to visionary design and the preservation of artistic excellence.


Taking place on the 25th of October 2023, this event aims to be an inspiring blend of heritage and modernity, with each exhibit showcasing a mastery of expression.


These masterpieces will not only serve as a testament to Gaggenau's unwavering support for emerging Emirati women artists but also underline the brand's dedication to the nation’s people and culture. Furthermore, both Gaggenau and Firetti are taking this opportunity to convey their limitless adoration, respect, and humility towards Emirati heritage, which is both storied and profoundly iconic. This event marks the beginning of a lasting friendship between a brand and a nation, both firmly rooted in heritage and driven forward with an unbreakable promise of shared admiration and respect.


October 11, 2023