In occasion of the 75th Anniversary of the Vespa, Firetti Contemporary engages in an inspiring collaboration with Society Motors, where Italian artist Samuele Ventanni, will perform an intervention on the Vespa VXL 150. The Vespa has become synonymous with style, freedom and all things Italian. The name alone conjures up images of beautiful people in beautiful places. The evolution of the Vespa has paved the way for the scooter to go down in history as a unique phenomenon in the worlds’ motorised travel history, an artwork in itself.
With the origin of Vespa stemming from the aeronautical field to re-develop the automobile market in Italy, there was a transformation towards a modern and affordable mode of transportation for the masses. Similar to the shift from traditional to modern, Ventanni’s work transforms century old ideologies into artistic representation for viewers to digest. Both concepts working to illustrate the possibilities for the upcoming millennium.
Ventanni has also created his first NFT's for this exhibition
click here to view the NFT's